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About our TANAP news
Latest news on the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), a natural gas pipeline in Turkey that is part of the Southern Gas Corridor, which connects the Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan to Europe through the South Caucasus Pipeline and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline. TANAP was announced in 2011 and construction began in 2015. It was inaugurated in 2018 and allows for the first exports of Azerbaijani gas to Europe beyond Turkey, while also strengthening Turkey's role as a regional energy hub. The 1,841-kilometre-long pipeline has a capacity of 16 billion cubic metres per year, with plans to increase capacity to 23 billion cubic metres by 2023, 31 billion cubic metres by 2026, and 60 billion cubic metres in the future. It is owned by the Azerbaijan state energy company SOCAR and the Turkish state energy company BOTAŞ, among others.