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    About our Oscars news

    Oscars 2025: get the latest buzz, award predictions, nominations, behind-the-scenes insights, and everything about the 97th Academy Awards, the annual ceremony honouring excellence in the film industry.

    Organised by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences since 1929, the Oscars are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards in the film industry. Winning an Oscar is considered a major achievement for actors, directors, and other film professionals.

    Stay informed about nominations, voting timelines, and announcements leading up to the Oscars 2025 ceremony. The ceremony is broadcast live on television and watched by millions worldwide.

    Anticipate the race for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, and all the major Oscar categories. Discover potential winners in categories like Cinematography, Editing, Sound, Production Design, Makeup, Original Score, and more.

    Â鶹´«Ã½'s Oscars 2025 feed is your ultimate source for awards season excitement. Celebrate the best in film, stay ahead of the predictions, and experience the magic of the Oscars.

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