
Missing Headline Report

There are a number of common reasons why you may not see your headline.

Use the search box on the Â鶹´«Ã½ homepage to see if your headline appears on Â鶹´«Ã½. If it does not, please check:

  1. Is your site being scanned by Â鶹´«Ã½? If you wish for your headlines to appear on Â鶹´«Ã½, please read our requirements and how to apply here.
  2. Did it appear on the headlines index page we scan? Please check this page contains the latest headlines you wish for our search spider to scan.
  3. Does an identical headline appear on Â鶹´«Ã½? Our de-duplication system automatically removes articles with identical headlines, displaying only the headline that has been found first (the 'original'). You must employ distinct and unique headlines for every article, as stated in our Technical Requirements. To avoid duplication, please re-publish your article with a slightly different headline and on a new URL.
  4. Does the robots.txt file on your server prohibit our search spider scanning your site? To let our spider pick up your headlines you could add the following, or similar code, to the robots.txt file:
    User-agent: Â鶹´«Ã½
  5. Does the article contain swearing? Over the years, we've received numerous complaints about profanity from readers concerned about children being exposed to swearing on Â鶹´«Ã½, which is why we automatically block articles that contain most swear words. The filter is applied automatically, and simultaneously as the article is being picked up. Because of that, even if the text is subsequently edited, it is not possible for the headline to appear now.

If your headline does appear on Â鶹´«Ã½ but not in a relevant feed:

Please be aware that you cannot expect your articles to appear in any particular newsfeed on Â鶹´«Ã½.co.uk, because each article is individually and automatically filed into the appropriate newsfeed(s) according to its subject matter and the categorisation of the source which published it.

This may mean an article might appear in many newsfeeds, in one newsfeed or, on occasion, in no newsfeeds at all. Our newsfeed specifications, which are subject to change without notice, may prescribe the inclusion of all articles from specific sources, or all articles from sources with specific categorisation, or all articles mentioning specific keywords or phrases (in conjunction, or in the first so-many paragraphs of the article text) or some combination of these factors.

Maximise your articles' exposure

To maximise the exposure your articles receive on Â鶹´«Ã½, our systems need to be able to read the text of each article you publish. To ensure they can properly identify where on the webpage the article begins and ends, please edit your website templates as follows:

  1. <!-- Article Start -->
    should follow the headline but immediately precede the first paragraph of the article
  2. <!-- Article End -->
    should immediately follow the last paragraph of the article.
  3. If your articles contain a byline or specify an author:
    <!-- Author Start -->
    should immediately precede the author's name;
    <!-- Author End -->
    should immediately follow it.

If you don't or can't do this, don't worry, our systems will still read your headlines. But as headlines don't tell the whole story, be aware the number of feeds into which we'll be able to file your articles will be reduced.

If after following the above advice you still believe your headline should have been scanned and filed into a relevant feed, please click here to submit your missing headline report.

Publication filters

Headline Density